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Arthur's Pen

My goal is to engage my readers in an investigation of the mysticism and humor of everyday life. Together, we'll be like a dog on a walk, continuously stopping to sniff interesting things on the ground, ever observant of the minute effects of presence that are casually strewn everywhere.

Who is Arthur Pensteam?

Multi-facetious, like a judgmental gemstone

Arthur grew up surrounded by the pines and concrete of the southeastern United States. You've seen approximately a million people who look just like him. Maybe you've seen him at a brewery.


Arthur has a BS in Chemistry and an MA in English. He has worked ten different jobs, each more interesting than the last. 


One day, he read a book that shattered his psyche. When he came to, he found himself transformed into a writer who can only wish his works evoke a fraction of what that book evoked to him.

a portrait of the artist looking nobly in the distance

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